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​If life is a school, relationships are like university, and the deeper and more intimate the relationship, the more challenges might arise.

Often, during the early stages of a romantic relationship, there is a sense of falling in love, and everything about the partner feels beautiful. However, this honeymoon phase eventually ends, and the dynamics can change.



In some instances, the need for therapy is not evident.

You might have recurring small arguments about the same topic that always elicit the same emotional response from you and your partner. Still, there is no clear resolution or understanding of why this is happening.


Usually there are several ways how we try to address this problem:


We can try to change our partner.

We might adapt ourselves to our partner.

We could decide to distance ourselves from our partner.


Often, this leads to further disconnection and discontentment in the relationship.

Couple therapy is not about finding fault in each other but focuses on understanding what happens within each partner.

This approach offers a transformative opportunity for couples to engage in difficult conversations, strengthen their bond, and deepen their understanding of one another.


When I work with couples, I gently guide them through the Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO) model, which is rooted in Internal Family Systems theory, to help them navigate their unique journeys together.


If you would like to know more, I invite you to read this article I've written on It's Complicated about IFIO:

Repair from Conflict with IFS: Intimacy from the Inside Out


If you would like to know more about Internal Family System,IFS, you can read the following article:


What is Internal Family System?


Discovering IFS: Meeting the Protecting System


Discovering IFS: Meeting the Exile and the Self


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